Winter RV Accessories You Need

child and camper with snowy background

Even when the temperatures plunge, there’s no need for die-hard RVers to give up adventuring on the road.  With the right accessories, you can be safe and comfortable in your RV all winter long.

RV Skirting

If a long winter’s stay is in the travel plans, consider investing in a skirt to wrap around the bottom of your RV.  Along with cutting down icy winds that can blow underneath the RV, a skirt can create safe additional storage for outdoor gear.

Window Coverings for Your RV

During the day, windows let in warming sunlight, but when night falls, cold air creeps in from uncovered windows. Two RV accessories can help keep your RV warm. Consider hanging thick winter curtains to block the chill from seeping in. When temperatures fall even lower, consider adding reflective bubble insulation, cut to cover window openings. The foil reflects the heat back into the RV and the bubbles provide insulating air pockets. When it’s not needed, flexible bubble insulation is lightweight and easy to store.

Space Heaters

Efficient and compact, electric space heaters are an ideal winter accessory for your RV. When the electric hook up is included in your stay, electric space heaters are an inexpensive way to stay comfortable in the coldest of conditions.
When there’s no electrical hook up, consider a propane radiant heater. While the propane heaters require adequate ventilation, a good propane radiant heater can keep you warm in the most challenging conditions. Also, the energy efficient units make a good back up source of heat for your RV.  Add a propane leak detector to your packing lists to assure a safe stay.

De-Humidify RV Airdehumidifier

With the cold outside and heat inside from radiant, furnace, propane or catalytic heaters, prepare to do battle with moisture. The best RV accessory to battle moisture inside is a small dehumidifier.
Interior moisture from showers, heat, cooking, and even just breathing creates condensation inside your RV.  Remove the moisture with an electric dehumidifier.  If your RV will be boondocked, accessorize for winter with a container of absorbent.

For the RV Drive

Stay warm on the road while driving a motor home, by adding electric seat warmers.  Plugged into the dash, the seat warmers make long winter drivers more comfortable.


Vent Cushions

In the winter, hot air is precious. Keep it from rising right out of the ceiling vents and skylights of your RV with RV vent cushions. The vent cushions fit securely into most standard-size RV vents.  If your skylights and vents aren’t standard, make custom vent cushions with thick foam padding available at fabric shops or home improvement stores.

RV Tank and Hose Heaters

Heated and enclosed RV water tanks may not keep liquids from freezing on extended trips and long winter stays. Consider accessorizing your RV with an RV holding tank heater. Factory installed tank heaters will only protect liquids to be 15 – 20 degrees F.  Tank heaters will automatically kick in before liquids can freeze. If you’re RVing with full hook ups, add a hose heater to your RV winter accessories list. Thermostatically controlled hose heaters can automatically turn on when the temperature falls into the 40s.
Wherever winter RV travels take you, begin the journey with a trip to Reines RV Center in Manassas and Ashland, Va., where the service department professionals can make sure your unit is ready for adventure.